It was as if time had stopped completely, frozen along my own skin and traveling over my flesh like small bubbles of water being pushed back over the windows of a car?s windshield. My mind seemed like a movie theater while the eyes that portrayed images were staring at the crimson mess I had witnessed inside Damien?s room, watching the liquid pour down plastic sheets underneath the entire length of his elaborate and dark bed. Damien was leaning over it, and his eyes?. Oh, those beautiful blue eyes were now radiating with a rose colored iris that seemed to glow inside the dim lighting of the entire perimeter. But now, he was nothing more then a monster staring back at me with long, sharp teeth protruding from blood stained lips while his limp victim had her neck laying awkwardly on the bed with her eyes staring lifelessly back at me. Drool stained her mouth, and her nails were covered in blood as splatters of her life force had found its way onto her clothes. I had never seen someone dead before. It made my heart leap up into my throat as my stomach clenched, and sweat started to form around my clenched fists. Silence.
?A-Audrey? don?t move?? Damien said after a few moments of silent terror, his bended knees slowly becoming straight as he wiped the blood from his face onto the sleeve of a dark coat, but my hands had already started to shake from adrenaline. Time, had started to move forward again when I could finally feel the breath in my chest come back to me with a gasping start of realization. ?Audrey?? His hands were towards me in a timid way. Was he trying to assure me that this was normal? Trying to prevent panic? How could he be so stupid.
?Y-you? you?? The words barely stuttered from my mouth as my feet took slow steps backwards from the doorway, my scarf falling from my shoulders as he took another hesitant step towards me with an expression that obviously read ?Oh shit? I?ve been caught.?
?Audrey, please. Just?. Just don?t run. Let me explain-?
My back had come to face him as I bolted down the hallway away from him, my feet slipping and sliding as a hand gripped me to swing around the edge of the stairs, practicially stumbling my way down the wooden steps as my heart rate had spiked to jump into my throat. My chest was swelling with panic and fear while the thoughts of death and the fear of dying couldn?t leave my head. He had been eating that woman! Drinking her blood! Was he a cannibal?! Some sort of insane vampiric cult member?! Of course, this one incident had masked the entire times of lovely company he had masked over my eyes. All I was worried about now was getting out of his house, and back into town. Where it was safe.
?Audrey! Come back here!? I could hear him yelling after me as my hands grabbed the door knob, but a pale set of digits slammed it closed as he appeared next to it with his chest heaving slightly and a glare on his face. How in the world? had he gotten here so quickly? He stared down at me, so intimidating with his tall figure hunching over my own 5"4 physique as his nails pressed into the wood with sharp indents. "Audrey. Please... don't make this harder then it has to be. Just sit down... and we can talk." He said, his voice slowly growing more and more angered as his chest became still and his red eyes had started to fade to their usual alluring ice color.
My efforts were quick while I slammed my foot into his crotch, his hands flying around his pelvis as he cried out in pain and my back once again became his visual as I sprinted into the small bathroom through the kitchen's passage, slamming the door with adrenaline pumping in my veins while the lock was flicked shut by my fingers. What do I do? What do I do? My eyes frantically moved around the bathroom to the window near the shower, the dark curtains falling off as I ripped them apart and struggled to undo the window locks when loud banging came from outside the door and forced the wood to bend and almost break at each hard blow. "AUDREY! Open the damn door!" Damien yelled angrily, vicious tones spreading into my ears as I flew the sill up and my body quickly slithered through the opening into the cold air. The door broke open.
On my feet again, I started to run across the darkening field with my eyes set on the little piece of forest that separated me from the main road that led into town. I now realized why Damien had chosen to take up a rural home; it was clear he was trying to hide himself... whatever he even was. I didn't want to stop. I couldn't stop. My hands flew through the air in motion as my legs viciously tore through grass and shrub with my boots digging into the frozen ground, the wind forcing my skin to turn red at the nose and cheeks while it stung into my green eyes. Tears forced their way out of the corners, and I struggled to wipe them away as the treeline became closer and closer in my vision while my heart continued to pump with more adrenaline fueling my legs to keep going even though my muscles trembled from the start of exhaustion. The sound of a window being broken made me turn my head back for a moment, my eyes going wide to see Damien's figure standing in the distance and it seemed like his eyes were piercing straight into my own even though he was standing from such a far distant... but I lost his form as my feet stumbled into the treeline, my legs struggling to catch themselves over the roots as I angled myself towards the cars in the distance going along the road into the highlights of buildings that represented my safety from this.... insane man. I had to keep running.
But the clouds were darkening, and my eyes glanced back to see how far he was to coming up on me. His figure was gone. My feet slowed for a moment while my legs thanked me for a small rest, my hands resting on a tree trunk as I breathed heavily with my hair falling in my face from the wind's wrath and my arms starting to tremble as my entire body felt like it had been hit by a large tremor. Where was he? Where had he gone? Was he... was he getting his car to drive after me? "W-What the hell..." I breathed out as my red hair continued to fall in tangled by my ears, my eyes narrowed until a spot of black made my eyes widen. He was at the treeline... I could see his eyes, his face perfectly. How had he ran so fast!? With an instant bolt, I started to run again, my breath coming up short as my heart jump started with the fear. I had to run faster!
But his figure was a blurr in front of me, causing me to skid to a stop as he vanished again and the woods became dead silent, the few calls of crows fading as the wind seemed to drop in mid air. Why... had I stopped? I took a step forward, my own feet crunching leaves making them sound like I was breaking glass and the sounds growing in my ears forcing me to jump in fear as I looked up and around me, trying to spot him as the blurrs of black and wind went to my right, and then my left, causing me to jerk one way and then another with fear swelling inside of me. It was like a dark force was slowly sneaking up on me, like a snake waiting to strike it's prey with its fangs and my legs didn't want to move now as they trembled and slowly started to take steps backwards with a hand stretching to touch a tree trunk and grip it for support that I didn't even realize I needed.
"You make things so difficult when you don't listen, Audrey." Damien's soft and alluring voice was now laced with something more then a mortal tone, and it came from all around me, making her turn my head left and right to find out where he was... but I couldn't see him. "Of course, maybe that's one of the reasons I like you so much. You're stubborn, independent. You want to live, you want to thrive in your own way. Danger scares you, and you run from it because you want to keep breathing this air in. I admire that." He sounded so calm, so serious.... and amused. My hands clenched, sweating and cold with clammy written all over my palms and digits. "But, this time. I really wish you had just sat down... and talked it out with me. Isn't that what lovers do when complications occur?"
"We aren't lovers. You killed someone, Damien... you... were... w-were eating her. You think I was going to let you talk to me about it?" I stammered out in a voice that I tried to make sound brave, but the fear and exhaustion I was feeling was smothered in it. Silence followed with a few leaves crunching, but his figure remained invisible to my eyes.
"You weren't supposed to see that, Audrey. Besides, she was a nobody. It's not like anyone would of missed her. And correction, love. I was drinking her blood, not eating her. Flesh is unappetizing to someone of my nature." He explained. My eyes narrowed slightly as I chewed on my lower lip, my muscles tight and my heart racing in my chest as I struggled to reply.
"W-Whatever! You're a psychopath!" I blurted out irrationally, my hands curling and uncurling at a faster rate.
"Am I? Well, I suppose to you mortals, we could be considered that. But really, it's my life source. I need blood to survive. Didn't I once hear you say you thought vampires were real? Doesn't your speech clearly state you think vampires killed your mother?" My blood froze. How.... how did he find my speech? Emotions started to swell up inside of me as I struggled to hold back tears of the past, images of my mother's bloody body and her derranged screams and wild eyes flashing in my mind before I forced them out with anger coming as my defense.
"W-What are you saying?" I said with a tight throat, the lump in my neck forming and making it hard to swallow. Don't cry. Don't cry...
"Vampires didn't kill your mother, Audrey. In fact, if Demetrius had done his job correctly, I wouldn't be here trying to swoon you off your feet. Which I did, until you came in. But what a shame, you have turned this into something that is going to be much harder to accomplish then I had planned." His voice became more sour, obviously brooding in a way. He was avoiding my question... he wasn't telling me something.
"W-What did you do to my mother!? What are you!?" I screamed out, my nails digging into my palms as anger and pain burrowed into my veins and caused tears to gloss my eyes. My head was frantically looking around for him while the wind started to pick up again. Boots landing on the ground forced me to turn, and his stature became visible over me as I stared to his 6 feet and 5 inch height with intimidation crawling over my skin. He was perfect though... the sculpted face, that pale and flawless skin... his lean physique and fluffy, long black brown hair falling in layers around his neck with it parted towards the middle and those lovely eyes staring onto my face. But his glamour was no more.
"Audrey, your intuition was always right. Vampires... well..." He leaned forward slightly, a small but charming and sinister smile forming on his pale lips. "We do exist." A flash of white blinded my eyes for a second as the silvery gleam of sharp fangs and sharpened teeth appeared with his smile, and my blood seemed to grow cold while I stumbled backwards slightly and he chuckled softly with a dark and heavy aura started to take over the forest. It felt like gravity was trying to force me to my knees, the feeling of fear and sorrow overtaking my heart with his eyes freezing my limbs over. My feet continued to stumble, until a blurr made him vanish again and I slammed into something behind me.
Arms wrapped around me like ribbons, a strong hand forming over my mouth with cloth pressing into my parted lips and into my nostrils as I struggled not to breath. I could feel an iron grip keeping my upper body from budging as my legs squirmed and kicked, hair flopping in my eyes while I struggled to twist and turn. But I froze when feeling two needles grazing part of my throat, pressing lightly against my skin and almost breaking my soft barrier but they didn't. He was teasing me, scaring me... trying to get me to scream and breath in. I could already taste the chloroform seeping into my mouth as his cold lips pressing into my ear. "Shhh....Shhh..." It was like a ghost whispering to me.
I was forced to breath in when I felt his fangs bite into my earlobe, drawing slight blood as the twinges of pain caused my heart to leap and my lungs contract while I sucked in a breath of air and the strong smell took over my nasal cavities and went into my throat. The chemical seeped its way into my head, causing my eyes to slowly close while his hands loosened a bit around my torso and slowly remove the fabric as fog took over my thoughts and scattered them this way and that. I couldn't feel, I could only let my body go limp against him as my vision blurred with my hues becoming covered by my own eyelids. The last thing I saw was his face. His perfect face, those beautiful eyes. The sounds of crows scattered across the sky in my ears as the wind started to blow violently again.
Before I stopped seeing him, I saw the face of a monster. Fangs, red eyes... shadows on a sickly pale face as his perfect image seemed to break apart. It was his broken mask.
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